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Art Riggs


Advanced Rolfing®and Bodywork

My Story

My own interest in receiving Rolfing® came from feeling somewhat worn-down from a lifetime of hard work, various injuries, and various competitive athletics, including sub-2:40 marathons and ultra-marathons of up to 100 miles in length. Much to my delight, Rolfing left me feeling younger and in less pain, more supple, lighter on my feet, more in touch with my emotional and physical self, and passionate about learning the work.


That was 40 years ago. Now, as a Certified Advanced Rolfer, I have conducted workshops and assisted in Rolf InstituteTraining. Having worked for 10 years in a physical therapy clinic seeing a wide range of clients from professional athletes, dancers, and musicians for postural difficulties, muscular dysfunctions, and  post-surgery rehabilitation. My greatest love, however, is working with the general population dealing with the multitude of problems encountered in work, play, relaxation that we all encounter in living a full life. 


At 78, I find I love my work and clients too much to retire, so have a limited practice out of my home and entertain myself with photography, long hikes with my dog in the hills every day, gardening, working out, golfing, reading and relaxing. 


Education:   Bachelor’s degree in psychology, master’s in literature, 2 years of Ph.D program at UC Berkeley in Exercise physiology that I discontinued when I found Rolfing.

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Two 11-hour best-selling video series about deep tissue massage and myofascial release:

"Deep Tissue Massage: A Visual Guide to Techniques” 


Numerous Articles In Bodywork Magazines


Numerous workshops for over 20 years in the US for massage therapists and bodyworkers, and internationally to physical therapists in Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and in nine countries in Europe

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